We are in a boat. We're in the boat of our lives.
For some of us, our boat is going to church, reading our bibles, listening to the message, listening to the music, and trying to be a good person. All these things are our little boat.
They keep us safe.
They keep us afloat.
They keep us from drowning.
It's a good little boat to be in — but isn't there something more?
Our little boat does make us comfortable. It's a nice little boat to be in. We don't make anyone angry. If people ask us about Jesus, we'll tell them. We think "yeah I'm going to heaven. I'm saved. I know how to do the Christian thing." So what's wrong?
Why do we feel like there is more?
Why are we dis-satisfied with the status quo?
Why are we NOT dis-satisfied with the status quo?
In Matthew 14, Jesus was on the shore, praying. The disciples were out in a boat when the winds began to pick up and waves began to crash on the side of the boat. The sky got dark and the storm began to pour down on the disciples. Of course, the disciples began to be afraid for their lives because they thought the boat was going to flip over and they were all going to drown.
It was Jesus!
Jesus was walking on water out in the middle of the storm. And then Peter says "Lord if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water."
And Jesus says "Come."
So Peter steps out and he is miraculously able to walk on water and walks toward Jesus. While he soon begins to doubt and begins sinking, Peter calls out for help. Jesus grabs his hand and pulls him up.
Peter never had to leave the comfort of the boat. He could have easily hid with his life jacket on, hid from the storm, and stayed in the boat. But there was one problem.
Jesus wasn't in the boat.
Jesus was out in the middle of the storm.
Peter knew he needed to be with Jesus.

Jesus told Peter to come.
And He's telling you to come.
Get out of your comfort zone.
Get out of your boat.
And come walk on water with Him.
These are the “early moments” of a movement within Helena to lead a generation into a growing relationship with Christ. Let's get together today. We are currently gathering people who will launch Encounter Church. If you haven't already thought about it, we challenge you to seriously and prayerfully consider being part of the Launch Team.These notes from the Encounter Informational Meeting and a video by GreaterLess Films called "Boat."
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