We are no longer meeting together for worship gatherings, and are bringing the Encounter Church ministry to a close. Click here to read more. |

A Church Without A Building
As a new community of faith, Encounter does not possess a building of it's own to gather for worship. This presents both opportunities and challenges.
It reminds us that church is not a building or an event, but a people and a lifestyle of faith. It reminds us that following Jesus takes place in every aspect of our lives.
We have been fortunate to meet at several unique and outstanding locations in Helena such as Exploration Works and the Dunphy Building downtown. And currently we are gathering Sunday mornings at the historic Pattern House.
At each location we've gathered, we've been intentional to create an atmosphere that is authentic, welcoming, and unique — so that people can encounter God in a real and tangible way.
Our Current Gathering Location
Encounter's current gathering location, the Pattern House, has been vacant for several years. Right now we have the opportunity to use the building until a new owner is found.
The Pattern House is located in the heart of Helena, just one block east of "Malfunction Junction" at the corner of Montana Avenue and Helena Avenue.
The Pattern House
1229 E. Lyndale Ave.
Helena, Montana
Current Gathering Times
We are making strategic plans to soon begin gathering for worship every Sunday, but will continue with our current schedule until further notice.
You can join us for our unique, edgy, and authentic worship environment every 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings at 11am. We also meet for LifeGroup every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 5:30pm.
1st Sunday: LifeGroup @ 5:30pm
2nd Sunday: Worship Gathering @ 11am
3rd Sunday: LifeGroup @ 5:30pm
4th Sunday: Worship Gathering @ 11am
5th Sunday: Engage Your Community
Be sure to check the Events Calendar to see the many other events and activities happening this Summer.