Something awesome is happening in Helena. A creative and unique faith community is emerging — and we are excited to invite you to come find out how to be a part of something greater than yourself.
The Encounter Huddle
Encounter Huddles are an opportunity to build friendships, team unity, and have some fun while we discuss and plan details for upcoming
Worship Gatherings, LifeGroups, Community Impact Efforts,
and Connecting Events.
If you are already connected with Encounter, please make these huddle a priority on your schedule. This is a great opportunity to get involved in a deeper way and to help with the behind the scenes workings of Encounter.
Get Involved!
Do you enjoy meeting and greeting people? Do you like physical activities like setting things up and tearing things down? Are you a technical buff and enjoy audio and vision? Are you a musician? Do you love kids? Does serving the community ignite your passion? Click here to look over just some of
Serving Opportunities available.
Times & Locations
Encounter Huddles will be held from periodically and meet throughout Helena at local businesses. Check out the
events calendar or click
here for our latest Huddles.