Easter Sunday, April 24, was Encounter's very first Easter Sunday Worship Gathering. Despite snow and rain throughout the week, Easter was a beautiful, sunny day — and it was the picture perfect day for a Super Fun Egg Hunt outside!
We had over 24 first-timers on Easter with lots of kids. We explored what it means to "Come Awake!" and how we are called to "rise up from the grave" of the broken things in life through Jesus. Listen to the podcast
After the great music and discussion during the worship gathering, we held a drawing for the "Biggest Easter Basket Ever!" It was certainly the biggest Easter basket in Helena with items donated from individuals and businesses throughout Helena.
Special thanks to
Van's Thriftway, Lasso The Moon Toys, Montana Book & Toy Company, Panhandler Plus, GamePods Jr. Downtown, Capital Fret, and
Great Harvest Bread Company.When we're all done, we went outside for a Super Fun Egg Hunt boasting over 600 eggs filled with chocolate goodies. It truly was an Awesome Easter, by all accounts, and an awesome way to connect with the community — to be a church that's not just IN Helena, but FOR Helena!

You can find all the great photos on Facebook here.Check out a Picasa slideshow here.