The Encounter Church ministry has come to a close. Read more here.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Calling Musicians and Artists for a Night of Worship

Calling all musicians and artists! Do you play an instrument, sing, paint, sculpt, write poetry, or have some other creative talent? We're putting together a one-night event called Untamed Truth: A Night of Worship & Art. It will be a night of worship expressed through music, art, and word.

Creativity and the arts are an important value of Encounter, so such a night would be a great reflection of who we are. The idea is to pull from local talent and showcase different individuals in a group worship setting. We'll probably mix and match throughout the night.

We are currently planning this event. Stay tuned for more details.

Contact us if you or someone you know might want to participate.

YWCA Hospitality Basket Delivery: Thank You!

As we posted before, Encounter is partnering with All Souls Community Church to help the Helena YWCA — by providing each new woman staying at the YWCA with a hospitality basket.

This last Friday, we were able to deliver enough baskets for a six month supply. We and the YWCA just want to extend a big thank you to everyone that helped collect materials for the baskets!

If you or your church is able, join us in our attempt to assemble enough baskets for the whole year. Together, we want to make a difference in the lives of these women by providing materials and assembling these baskets.

Here is the list of items we are collecting for the rest of the baskets. Please seriously consider "being the change" by contributing some of these items. Contact us if you can help.

• Shampoo
• Conditioners
• Soap
• Body Wash or Bath Gels
• Deodorant
• Hand or Body Lotions
• Journal or Daily Planner
• Gift Cards ($5, $10)
• Taxi Vouchers

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Steps of Faith: A Lesson At The Red Sea

As I look upon this journey of building a new faith community, I sometimes feel like Moses when he and Israelites stood between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea.

Looking back, the Egyptian Army, the old life of bondage and slavery, the old ways of doing things, was quickly advancing.

But looking forward, a seemingly insurmountable obstacle, the Red Sea blocked the way. It seemed like they were trapped. Their options quickly narrowed.

In the same way, our journey to plant Encounter has led us out of old, lifeless, religious routines. We have discovered the newness of meeting people where they are, and sharing God's live in simple and tangible ways. We have served our community selflessly and begun to gain a reputation as people FOR Helena, not just IN Helena.

And just like the pillar of smoke and fire that led the Israelites in Moses' time, God has been faithful to guide us on our journey as well. People have been encountering Jesus in fresh new ways, throwing off the chains of ritual and self-improvement and refocusing their steps to follow an amazing Savior — people who would not step foot in an established traditional church have encountered Jesus in our discussions and begun to form friendships and relationships.

We've connected with those who have been hurt at or disengaged from churches to find an authentic faith community relevant to their life-stage. New babies, young couples, new marriages, and searching for God's call as they serve in international mission fields are some of the experiences of our regulars in these past months. We're now a small gathering of broken people who are doing life together to find out what it means to follow Jesus.

God has promised to lead us into His vision for impacting this generation and beyond in Helena and yet, we find ourselves at our own "Red Sea."

As we look across the sea to that distant shore, we can see that launch team of 25-45 people. They are key team members in the areas of worship, kids, students, small groups, and more that will help us launch in a significant way. We can also see the additional $3000 per month salary support and $90,000 needed for a dynamic worship gathering launch.

But there is a huge Red Sea standing between us and that distant shore. And now we're here, having followed God all this way and we might begin to question ourselves and even God. Did He make a mistake? Did He know what He was doing? Will we ever get to the place He has promised?

The answers is a resounding YES. Even now, He is preparing a way that we cannot see, something beyond what we can even hope or imagine.

Maybe YOU are part of God's miracle of parting the Red Sea. Maybe YOU are part of the dream that gets us all to that distant shore. It's time to get involved. It's time to take that first step of faith. Picture yourself as part of an Encounter ministry team. Picture being part of a community that truly cares for people and want to see the broken things healed. Picture financially giving of yourself to allow so many more to encounter Jesus in a significant way. And then take the step.
  • You may already be part of what God is doing through Encounter. But maybe He's calling you to more.
  • You may be partially involved with Encounter with one foot in from time-to-time. Maybe it's time to place both feet firmly within God's will.
  • You may be watching Encounter from the sidelines, cheering us on, hoping for us to grow, and yet waiting for the dream to be realized before you jump in. Perhaps God is telling you to get involved now.
  • You may have told yourself that you are comfortable where you are. That things are okay. That you know God "enough." But deep inside you know it's not true. Deep inside you feel a longing for something more. Perhaps God is telling you that it's time.
We are continuing to follow God, and we are waiting for His miracle. I encourage you to become part of the miracle and contact me today. Let's talk more about what that might look like.

Monday, October 19, 2009

EncounterCast 10.19.09: Check Us Out This Week!

It's been several weeks since our last EncounterCast. This time we're recapping this last weekend's Community Impact effort as well as two new ways to check out Encounter this week. Make sure you mark these on your calendar:

Fun & Game Night at the Ox – Meet New People & Get Your Game On
Wednesday, October 21 @ 6:30pm.
Read more here.

Dream Team Gathering: Risk-Taking – Worship, Discussion, & Free Pizza
Friday, October 23 @ 6:30pm
Read more here.

View the video above or on YouTube here.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Kid's Fall Fest at Pioneer Park - Being The Change

Encounter partnered with Downtown Helena today to help bring some Fall fun to Pioneer Park.

There was a pumpkin patch, wagon rides, needle in the haystack game, and pumpkin art all organized by DHI and various Helena businesses.

As part of our effort to Be The Change in Helena, we at Encounter came alongside Downtown Helena to provide a rock climbing wall, kid's inflatable bouncers, cotton candy, and popcorn for the event. What a hit!

In the four hours of the Kid's Fall Fest, we went through over 200 popcorn bags and even twice as much cotton candy. We estimate nearly 400-500 kids and their parents had a great time!

Our Encounter volunteers did an awesome job serving our community and sharing God's love in tangible way. We invite you to engage our Helena culture and join us in our next project at Encounter Church.

You can find all the great photos on Facebook here.
Check out a Picasa slideshow here.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fun & Game Night at the Ox - Oct 21

Building relationships, meeting new friends, and doing life together is important and so we’ve planned another Fun & Game Night, this time we'll meet at the Staggering Ox on Wednesday, October 21 at 6:30pm.

We invite you to join us as we play Apples To Apples, Killer Bunnies, Phase 10, or bring your favorite board or card game. Kids are welcome (think age appropriate) and definitely bring a new friend.

– Bring your favorite game(s)
– Bring a friend
– Bring a couple bucks for food or drink
– Bring your game face :-)

Yep, this is a great week to invite a friend to hang out. The fun of the night will be meeting new people and getting to know each other better, so definitely invite some friends for those "party games" you'll be bringing. If you've wanted to check us out, this is your opportunity to come and just have some fun.

WHAT: Fun & Game Night
WHO: Everyone Welcome (games for all ages)
WHEN: Wednesday, October 21 @ 6:30pm
WHERE: The Staggering Ox [click here]

Check out and/or RSVP for the Facebook event here.
Read more about Fun & Game Nights here.

Dream Team Gathering: The Art of Risk-Taking - Oct 23

If you are a part of the Encounter Church movement, want to be, or just want to find out need join us next Friday for great discussion, worship, and FREE pizza!

We will be continuing to discuss building a faith community that engages culture by becoming more fluid. This time we'll be looking at Risk-Taking: Walking the Gangplank.
  • Worship to some great songs!
  • Talk about the next steps to launch the Encounter worship gathering!
  • Share some FREE pizza! (please RSVP for pizza ordering)
If you wanna find out how to get involved and make a difference in Helena or if you just want to check us out, you can join us for some spiritual discussion, worship, and pizza. Also, we'll have games and videos for the kids during the gathering. We hope to see you next Friday!

WHAT: Dream Team Meeting
WHO: Those who dare to dream
WHEN: Friday, October 23 @ 6:30pm
WHERE: Powell Home [map/directions]

Please RSVP or attend the Facebook Event to let us know how much pizza to order.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Off To The Philippines: The Lord Goes Before You

Three good friends are preparing to leave for a two-month ministry trip to the Philippines. Jaxi, Nathan, and Jonathan (first three in front, left) leave this Saturday afternoon for San Francisco, and then the Philippine islands.

Tonight we gathered at the Staggering Ox with some friends and family to lay hands on and pray for them, for their trip, and for God's will as they seek out His direction for their life and ministry. It was an awesome time of prayer and encouragement for them.

We prayed for their physical needs like food and lodging, courage to follow God's leading, and for protection against Spiritual attacks. With our prayer and encouragement, we commissioned them for this ministry trip and prayed for the Holy Spirit's anointing on their words, actions, and relationships for the next months.

Our assurance to them comes from Deuteronomy 31:8, "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you."

We will miss you guys, but are excited about what God is going to do in each of your lives.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Kid's Fall Fest at Pioneer Park - Now Saturday, October 17

Come join us for the Downtown Helena Kid's Fall Fest at Pioneer Park this Saturday, October 10 @ 10am-2pm now October 17 @ 10am to 2pm (postponed one week due to weather).

This is a Downtown Helena event with all sorts of booths and activities such as a pumpkin patch, wagon rides, needle in the haystack games, and pumpkin art.

As part of our effort to Be The Change in Helena, Encounter is coming alongside Downtown Helena and providing a rock climbing wall, kid's inflatable bouncers, cotton candy, and popcorn for the event.

We are still calling for volunteers to help with activities between 9am and 3pm. If you can help, contact us and we'll let you know what opportunities are available. Serving people in a city-wide event like this is a blast. Don't miss out!

There will be something for just about everyone, so bring the whole family from 10am-2pm for a day of fun!

WHAT: Downtown Helena Kid's Fall Fest
WHEN: Saturday, October 17 @ 10am-2pm
WHERE: Pioneer Park (behind the Lewis & Clark Library)

Contact us now to get involved. Engage our culture and personally Be The Change in Helena.
Check out the Facebook event here.

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