Yep! That's right people. We're having an Encounter Fun Night on Tuesday, August 4 instead of our usual Encounter Discussion at the Ox. Our motto for the night, as seen in the dandy graphic, is "Have Fun!" And it should be a lot of fun for all ages!
Just show up at Sleeping Giant Lanes about 6:30pm so we can get everyone organized on lanes, and bring $7.50 for shoes and 2 games of bowling. If there are no open lanes available, we'll look at mini-golf. Either way, it will be a lot of fun! Kids are welcome to come and always have a blast.
Oh yeah, we'll also be announcing our next Encounter Discussion series topic and location which is going to be awesome! So if you're hesitating whether to come or not, just come on. Everyone is welcome. It's just a casual get-together and a great opportunity to get to know some peeps.
WHAT: Encounter Fun Night WHEN: Tuesday, August 4 @ 6:30pm WHERE: Sleeping Giant Lanes [map/directions] WHO: Everyone - All Ages MORE: Bring $7.50 each
If possible, RSVP on Facebook here or contact us here — it's not required, but it helps us to know how many to expect.
Some of us seem desperately lonely. Some of us are heavily burdened. Some of us are extremely busy with work schedules, with kids, or both. Still others of us lament past hurts. We experience damaged lives, broken marriages, and financial hardships.
Now is the time for a change.
Then we look at some of our friends and it is even worse. We have friends whose lives are being destroyed by alcohol or even meth. We want to help, but don't know how — life is difficult enough for us.
Now is the time for a change.
When most places close down by 9pm (if not 5pm downtown), many teens and young adults in Helena can find nothing better to do than to either drink or have sex. There are no cool local hangouts for this generation. We all know that 24-hour Wal-Mart is as good as it gets.
Now is the time for a change.
On our radios, John Mayer sings these words: "now we see everything that's going wrong / with the world and those who lead it / we just feel like we don't have the means / to rise above and beat it / so we keep waiting / waiting on the world to change."
And we embrace those words as our mantra for life. We keep waiting for our worlds to change. We're dissatisfied with the status quo, with the way things are in our lives and with our friends and in our city — but not enough to stop waiting and take action.
Now is the time for a change.
These are the “early moments” of a movement within Helena to see a generation encounter a better life. Let me assure you that God IS moving. He is moving to heal broken families and hurting individuals — not just through Encounter, but through the lives of few individuals across this city.
The question is "Are you still waiting?"
Too often we wait and do nothing, but God Himself is also waiting. He's waiting for you to join Him in His vision for Helena. Will you join Him? Will you join the lone dancer who is living out what God meant us to be?
If you embrace this challenge, I guarantee that your life and the expression of God's crazy love shown through you, will awaken and revitalize your family, your friends, your coworkers and even those complete strangers that come across your path.
Now is the time for a change.
Now is the time for you to fulfill the purpose for which God created for you – you can passionately and actively be involved in something significant, that is greater than yourself.
I challenge you to take a moment to ask God what He is preparing you for. I challenge you to consider how joining the first couple of dancers at Encounter could change the face of Helena.
Specifically, I challenge you to join us this Friday for the Dream Team Introduction(Facebook here). We'll be discussing how to make a difference in Helena as part of the Encounter launch team. Join us.
Dare to dream about changing the face of Helena through God's crazy love — Come find out more about Encounter Church on Friday, July 31 @ 7pm at the casual and informal Dream Team Intro Meeting.
We're having an Encounter Dream Team Introduction on Friday, July 31 at 7pm and you are invited...
ABOUT THIS GATHERING We want to learn, discuss, and dream about how Encounter will impact this generation and beyond in Helena. If you have heard about Encounter or seen us online and want to know more about our vision and strategy to impact this generation in Helena, then you should attend.
We will further explore the vision and three essential focuses of Encounter. We will discuss specifically: How can we see lives changed positively in Helena? What are the next steps for Encounter? How can you make a difference on the Launch Team?
ABOUT THE DREAM We are a people who are passionate about and understand God's vision and strategy for Encounter.
We are not just volunteers, but actively involved in something significant for God - looking to BE the church in Helena, not just attend a church.
We are excited about what God is already doing in our city and eager to celebrate successes and learn from mistakes. We want to tell everyone about this new faith community that exists for this generation and beyond — and we desire for them to encounter Jesus through us.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? If you have been coming to some of the Encounter Discussions or been involved in our Community Impact efforts and want to know more about Encounter Church, this is a great opportunity to ask specific questions about what God is doing and the great things He has in store.
If you are already part of the launch team, this will be a great opportunity to put specifics to the dream and vision God has already placed within in us. How we can passionately and actively be involved in something significant, that is greater than ourselves.
If you are tired of a dried out "version of Christianity," if you share a desire to see the people far from God encounter Jesus in a real life-giving way, if you want to explore a creative, innovative, and fresh way of experiencing authentic relationships with others on your same journey of faith, please join us.
Finally, this will be a great opportunity to find out more about Encounter in a less formal and conversational venue. Don't miss out.
WHAT: Encounter Dream Team Introduction WHO: Those who dare to dream WHEN: Friday, July 31 @ 7pm WHERE: Powell Home[map/directions]
If possible, RSVP on Facebook here or contact us here — it's not required, but it helps us plan. Kids are welcome, but there will be no childcare or babysitter.
This current Encounter Discussions series from Francis Chan's book Crazy Love tackles what Jesus really meant about being the church, both as individuals and as a community of faith.
THIS WEEK: THE CRUX OF THE MATTER Annie Dillard once said, "How we live our days is... how we live our lives." How then will you live this day? What tangible, concrete expression of God’s crazy love are you going to share with a friend, family member, stranger?
Don't miss this week's topic titled "The Crux of the Matter" at the Staggering Ox this Tuesday, July 28 @ 6:30pm. You're invited to join us for a weekly DVD clip and discussion response – a forum of honest interaction and exploration.
JOIN US AND BRING A FRIEND You don't have to attend every session to get something out of the discussion. So even if you're just curious, drop by and bring a friend. Arrive early at 6:00pm and grab a sandwich with us.
Check out the Facebook event here or the Eventbrite event here. Read more about Crazy Love here from the series introduction.
We just received our first order of Encounter tees and they look awesome!
If you already ordered one, let's connect and we'll get you your shirt and receive your tax deductible donation.
If you want to order one for our second batch, let me know. They are available in sizes from S to 5X and are pictured here. (Click for a larger view.)
When you order one for at least $25, a significant portion gets donated directly into the Encounter Church fund to help support our "Be The Change" community impact efforts.
I was actually contacted by the publisher, I think because we are currently going through Francis Chan's Crazy Love in our Encounter Discussions and Viola's new book was billed as the "followup" to Crazy Love.
While I didn't quite get the connection, I was happy to review Viola's book — after all, he has recently written two other interesting books, Reimaging Church and Pagan Christianity.
IT'S NOT CRAZY LOVE Let me just say first that I still don't get how From Eternity to Here is the followup. Perhaps it's because it is from the same publisher. Perhaps there are some similar themes in both books. But I would say when you're writing about faith in the same Jesus, you are bound to overlap some themes — or at least you should. So that's about the best connection I could make.
Viola's book focuses primarily on "God's purpose" in three areas: 1) the Bride of Christ, 2) the House of God, and 3) the Family of God and Body of Christ — whereas Chan's Crazy Love focuses on how crazy it is that God loves us, realizing that He does love us anyway, and how we're called to love others with that same kind of crazy love.
Additionally, Viola's writing style is completely different. I have to admit that beginning the book, I found myself wondering if I would make it through. Voila has more of an academic approach, where Chan's style is more conversational.
I guess I am just saying that From Eternity to Here is not Crazy Love. I think it is weird to market it that way.
YOU MUST READ IT ANYWAY With all that said, Viola's book is definitely worth a read. Contained within the pages of From Eternity to Here, are deep forgotten truths, penetrating rebukes of the status quo, heart-touching Biblical stories and insights, and a long-needed focus on the person of Jesus Christ as the simplicity and centrality of our faith.
More than anything, I found myself weeping more than once as Viola described the character of God and His eternal plan revealed in three different aspects of faith. The message of last chapter alone would be worth the purchase of the entire book. In that chapter, Viola shares his own life experience and journey of faith. And through the process, reveals the epidemic stumbling block that I have observed first-hand in American churches – that Jesus Himself is missing.
He writes, "I strongly believe that the underlying reality of the church is none other than Jesus Christ Himself. Not as a doctrine. Not as a system of belief. Nor as a set of moral teachings. Not as a philosopher or a social activist ... A living person who dwells within our spirits and who can be known."
See the post previous post below for some of the many insights that spoke to me.
The following bloggers are posting a review or Q&A with Frank Viola on his bestselling book From Eternity to Here today, Tuesday, July 21.
You may order the book at a discount at – it’s also on audio book. Free discussion guide, sample chapters, interviews, and a free audio of the first chapter are available on that site also.
Just finished Frank Viola's new book, From Eternity to Here: Rediscovering the Ageless Purpose of God. I've been reading it over the last 3 weeks and discovered a number of gems to glean from. Tell me what you think. What speaks to you?
"The next time you feel condemnation over your past, please remember this one thing: the first person to lay eyes upon the resurrected Lord was a former prostitute."
"The call to Abram contains a profound truth: Involvement in God's building often means leaving the tradition of our forefathers."
"The priesthood of Israel is fully active. The priests are sacrificing animals and slinging blood at the brazen altar. They are marching through the religious program, passing out the bulletin, lighting the candles, ringing the bells, preaching the sermon, and following the litergy. But there's one problem: the ark's not there. God is not there. Does that bother them? Apparently not. They continue on with the ritual."
"The house of God is not a thing. It's not an object. It's not brick and mortar. Nor a metaphor, a doctrine, or a theology. The house of God is a person. It is the Lord Jesus Christ"
"Scattered stones can never make a house, no matter how many of them exist...Thus lone-ranger Christians are of no use in the building of God's house."
"God is not looking for a place to visit. He is looking for a place to dwell."
"Jesus Christ did not die and rise again just to forgive you of your sins. He died in order that His Father could obtain a home."
"What is Babylon? It's the human attempt to reach God by human strength, human wisdom, and human ingenuity."
"The old men who remembered the glory of Solomon's temple were bitterly critical of the new temple... Point: The past work of God often persecutes and devalues the new work of God."
"Jesus Christ didn't come to begin a new religion. He came to begin a new creation."
"Leaving the wilderness may come at an obscenely high price. It is for this reason that many do not leave it."
"We cannot receive the new until we first let go of the old. Old wineskins do not patch well... God has never been in the business of pouring new wine into old wineskins."
"Living by 'right and wrong' is not Christianity. It's old covenant living. And it's very human."
"To Paul's mind, when brothers and sisters in Christ divide from one another, it's like taking a butcher knife to Jesus Christ. It's like tearing off a chunk of flesh from our Lord's own body."
"We Christians are not simply disciples of Jesus. We are not simply believers in the Savior of the world and the Lord of Creation. We are members of Christ."
"I cannot fully know Christ on my own. Neither can you. I must know Him through His body... But in order for us to know Christ through the other members of His body, we have to get close to them."
"It's not a metaphor. Paul never says the church is like His body. No, we are His body."
"The Bible, also weeping, speaks out and says, 'I came to point men and women to Him. I came to testify of Him. I came to make Him known. But they have made a god out of me."
"In so many modern churches, a set of doctrines. a certain theology, a charismatic personality, a set of special works or ministries, is the centrality rather than Christ. Mark it down: The centrality of anything other than Christ is a betrayal..."
"You an I become fully human in community. God's intention was never for a bunch of saved individuals."
"As the body of Christ, the church not only cares for its own, but it also cares for the world that surrounds it. Just as Jesus did while He was on earth."
"One of the Roman emperors... publicly lamented that the pagan temples were loosing customers because 'the Christians not only take care of their own needy, but ours as well."
"I made another discovery. Namely, that Christian doctrine can make a person downright mean... I came to the place where I was compelled to lay down my doctrinal sword, for like Peter, I had been cutting people's ears off."
"Evangelism is an it. The power of God is an it. Eschatology is an it. Christian theology is an it. Christian doctrine is an it. Faith is an it. Apologetics is an it. I made the striking discovery that I don't need an it. I have never needed an it. And I will never need an it. Christian its, no matter how good or true, eventually wear out, run dry, and become tiresome... We do not need things. We need Jesus Christ.
"Everything in scripture—every book, every story, every teaching, every theme, every letter, every verse, all the arrows point to Him."
"Jesus Christ not only reveals the way... He is the Way. Jesus Christ not only reveals the truth... He is the Truth. Jesus Christ is not only the giver of life, He is the Life."
Now, we both know you've been checking out Encounter for a while.
You've been visiting the website and looking us up on Facebook. But you're still lurking in the background.
You want to find out more about this group of people called Encounter. What motivates us? How do we plan to impact this generation in Helena? Are we a safe place for hurting and imperfect people?
Maybe you've seen us at the YWCA, at the Helena Walking Mall, or Alive@Five. Maybe you've been checking the blog each day from the Montana State Government, or Albertsons, your home Bresnan Service, or even out-of-state.
Maybe you are the guy who has the "Faith is a Journey, Not a Guilt Trip" bumper sticker I saw today. You know who you are.
I'm just saying that now is the time to MAKE A CONNECTION!
This current Encounter Discussions series from Francis Chan's book Crazy Love tackles what Jesus really meant about being the church, both as individuals and as a community of faith.
THIS WEEK: WHO REALLY LIVES THAT WAY? What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? What do you want to be known for? What is it that you believe God created you to do here on this earth?
Don't miss this week's topic titled "Who Really Lives That Way?" at the Staggering Ox this Tuesday, July 21 @ 6:30pm. You're invited to join us for a weekly DVD clip and discussion response — a forum of honest interaction and exploration.
JOIN US AND BRING A FRIEND You don't have to attend every session to get something out of the discussion. So even if you're just curious, drop by and bring a friend. Arrive early at 6:00pm and grab a sandwich with us.
Check out the Facebook event here or the Eventbrite event here. Read more about Crazy Love here from the series introduction.
We're having an Encounter Dream Team Gathering this Friday at 7pm and you are invited...
WHAT IS THE DREAM? We are a people who are passionate about and understand God's vision and strategy for Encounter.
We are not just workers or volunteers, but actively involved in something significant for God - looking to BE the church in Helena, not just attend a church.
We are excited about what God is already doing in our midst and eager to celebrate successes and learn from mistakes. We want to tell everyone about this new faith community that exists for this generation and beyond - and we desire for them to encounter Jesus through us.
WHAT IS A DREAM TEAM GATHERING? As we begin to form the team of people who will actively launch Encounter Church, we'll to need to gather together to learn, discuss, and work out the vision and DNA of Encounter. Primarily because a church is not an institution as much as it is a people, we as a people will to passionately pursue the same vision, and dream the same dream.
WHO CAN COME? If you are already part of the launch team, it is important for you to come this Friday — you are the core of this gathering.
If you have been coming to some of our Encounter Discussions or been involved in our Community Impact efforts and want to know more about Encounter Church, this is a great opportunity to ask specific questions about what God is doing and the great things He has in store.
Finally, if you have heard about Encounter or seen us online and want to know more about our vision and strategy to impact this generation in Helena, then you too should come.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN? At the Dream Team Gathering we will begin with some music and prayer. We will further explain the vision, mission, values, and three essential environments of Encounter. Finally, we will discuss specifically what it means to be part of the Encounter Launch Team, what criteria we are looking for, and where we need to go from here. We will dream about what God has in store for Helena through Encounter Church.
SHOULD I COME? If you are tired of a dried out "version of Christianity," if you share a desire to see the people far from God encounter Jesus in a real life-giving way, if you want to explore a creative, innovative, and fresh way of experiencing authentic relationships with others on your same journey of faith, please join us.
Finally, if you missed the Encounter Informational Meeting about a month ago, this will be a great opportunity to find out more about Encounter in a less formal and conversational venue.
WHAT: Encounter Dream Team Gathering WHO: Launch Team and anyone WHEN: Friday, June 17 @ 7pm WHERE: Powell Home[map/directions]
If possible, RSVP on Facebook here or contact us here — it's not required, but it helps us plan. Kids are welcome, but there will be no childcare or babysitter.
The Making Helena Greener project was a huge success!
A group of us landscaped and planted donated flowers at the Helena YWCA home for women this last Friday, July 10. In a sense, we were involved in redeeming the landscape.
It was a lot of hard work, but it was a joy to serve others in a tangible way — with no strings attached. Honestly, I was blown away by all the people that showed up and gave up their time and effort on a Friday night, no less. You guys are awesome!
What an awesome way to make a difference, demonstrate God's crazy love in action, and engage the culture of Helena! We invite you to to Be The Change in Helena and join us in our next project at Encounter Church.
You can also find a bunch of photos of the effort on Facebook here.
This current Encounter Discussions series from Francis Chan's book Crazy Love tackles what Jesus really meant about being the church, both as individuals and as a community of faith.
THIS WEEK: PROFILE OF THE OBSESSED The idea of holding back doesn't come from God. Are you obsessed with following Jesus? To what lengths are you willing to go?
Don't miss this week's topic titled "Profile of the Obsessed" at the Staggering Ox this Tuesday, July 14 @ 6:30pm. You're invited to join us for a weekly DVD clip and discussion response – a forum of honest interaction and exploration.
JOIN US AND BRING A FRIEND You don't have to attend every session to get something out of the discussion. So even if you're just curious, drop by and bring a friend. Arrive early at 6:00pm and grab a sandwich with us.
Check out the Facebook event here or the Eventbrite event here. Read more about Crazy Love here from the series introduction.
This week's EncounterCast from the Trolly Block at the Downtown Helena Walking Mall is a reminder that Encounter is going places and moving forward. We've got three things to share this week:
Tonight on Friday, July 10 @ 7pm, we'll be out at the YWCA planting flowers and doing some gardening to Make Helena Greener. It's just one way to "Be The Change" in our community. More here.
Next Tuesday, July 14 @ 6:30pm, the Crazy Love Discussion at the Ox is called "Profile of the Obsessed." We already discussed what it means to be lukewarm for Jesus. Now we'll look at "What does it mean to be obsessed with following Jesus?" More here.
And then finally, we're moving forward with the Encounter launch team. We're meeting next Friday, July 17 @ 7pm for a Dream Team Gathering to discuss more about our vision and DNA. This is for those who are already involved in the launch team, and for those who just want to find out more about Encounter. More here.
At Encounter, our vision is to be something out of the ordinary that catches people's attention so they can encounter God.
Connected to the image of Moses' burning bush experience, we want to be something that is different, something that is extraordinary, that catches the attention of a city and a people attention so they can hear the voice of God.
We want to remove as many obstacles, distractions, and barriers as we can so that this generation and beyond can have an authentic, life-changing encounter with Jesus.
More specifically, we have found that people tend to like Jesus but not the church. They have been turned off by traditional models of "doing church." Their view of what the Church and what following Jesus is supposed to be has been skewed by many things — but primarily by a lifeless, passionless, empty representation of faith that is judgmental, self-righteous, and downright boring.
In a broad sense, we envision a dangerous church, an assembly, a gathering, a faith community, a group of people, who are drawn together to pursue what it means to boldly follow Jesus beyond Sunday, and in the missional context of real life.
HAVE YOU FELT IT? And this vision is not just mine or Andrea's, but one planted there by God in each one of us drawn to Encounter. Each of us has sensed the vision, we have then seen it articulated, and now we have begun the process of growth that will see the vision come to life. Like a seed that has been planted, it must now be watered and cared for as it matures into reality.
Have you sensed the vision? Have you felt it gnawing at your soul? Have you been discouraged in the valley as God has been molding you into the shape of the vision? We have too, but we are not satisfied with anything else but an authentic and bold following after Jesus and His vision planted within us!
LISTEN TO THE VISION! I am going to be bold here and just say it. If you are not connected with a church here in Helena — if you are not living out your faith in a passionate and life-filled way with others in a faith community — you are missing out on something incredible!
You REALLY should come be a part Encounter. If you don't live here in Helena, you should move here. Seriously, we will help you! Seriously, the next six months at Encounter are going to be AMAZING! You should listen to the vision that is stirring in your soul and come be a part of what God is doing in Helena!
"We always have visions, before a thing is made real. When we realize that although the vision is real, it is not real in us, then is the time that Satan comes in with his temptations, and we are apt to say it is no use to go on...
"God gives us the vision, then He takes us down to the valley to batter us into the shape of the vision, and it is in the valley that so many of us faint and give way. Every vision will be made real if we will have patience...
"If you have ever had the vision of God, you may try as you like to be satisfied on a lower level, but God will never let you.
— Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest, July 6
I've mentioned before that I am really excited about continuing to impact our community and about being a positive agent of change here in Helena where we live, work, and play. Here are three ways you can "be the change" this Summer through Encounter Church.
1) MAKING HELENA GREENER - July 10 at YWCA As the Making Helena Greener project, we'll be landscaping and planting donated flowers at the YWCA women's home. We invite you to join us there at 7pm this Friday, July 10. If you can, bring $3 to help cover costs as well as some digging tools, such as shovels and spades. You can RSVP at the Facebook page for this event here and also view a video of the area we'll be planting.
UPDATE: View the photos and video of Making Helena Greener here.
2) SERVING FRIENDS - August 7 at Memorial Park Then we'll be serving our friends at Blue Cross Blue Shield at Memorial Park on August 7. We have the opportunity to host employees' families by providing and operating a rock wall, kids inflatable, as well as a cotton candy and snow cone booth. While the event lasts from 3-7pm, we will need volunteers from 1:30-8pm for setup, operation, and teardown. You can RSVP at the Facebook page for this event here or else contact us soon to find out more.
UPDATE: View the photos and update from Serving Friends here.
3) ENCOUNTER T-SHIRT - Order by July 7 We already announced our new fashionable Encounter t-shirts, but did you know that you can help fund our community service events if you order one for $25 or more. They are available in sizes from S-5XL, so order one today by contacting us ASAP. The order deadline is this Tuesday, July 7.
UPDATE: Order your Encounter Tee in the next batch here.
This week's EncounterCast is from the Helena YWCA where we will be planting donated flowers as part of the Making Helena Greener community service project. You're invited to come Friday, July 10 @ 7pm and get involved - more details about this and other community service projects are coming soon!
Also, don't forget about this week's Crazy Love Discussion at the Staggering Ox at 6:30pm on July 7. We're discussing the chapter "Your Best Life...Later" and asking "What are you doing in your life right now that requires faith?"
This current Encounter Discussions series from Francis Chan's book Crazy Love tackles what Jesus really meant about being the church, both as individuals and as a community of faith.
THIS WEEK: FAITH — YOUR BEST LIFE...LATER What are you doing in your life right now that requires faith? How are you trusting God so completely that you would completely and utterly fail if He did not pull through?
Don't miss this week's topic titled "When You're In Love" at the Staggering Ox this Tuesday, July 7 @ 6:30pm. You're invited to join us for a weekly DVD clip and discussion response – a forum of honest interaction and exploration.
JOIN US AND BRING A FRIEND You don't have to attend every session to get something out of the discussion. So even if you're just curious, drop by and bring a friend. Arrive early at 6:00pm and grab a sandwich with us.
Check out the Facebook event here or the Eventbrite event here. Read more about Crazy Love here from the series introduction.
After an amazing three years, we've made the decision to bring the Encounter Church ministry to a close. Read more about it here.
Be A Burning Bush
Like a burning bush, we at Encounter want to be something out of the ordinary that catches people's attention so they can encounter God.
Our passion is to see this generation and beyond experience an authentic, growing, and life-changing relationship with Jesus with others who are on the same journey.
At Encounter, we envision a dangerous church, a gathering, a faith community, a group of people, who are drawn together to pursue what it means to boldly follow Jesus beyond once a week, beyond religion, and in the missional context of real life.
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