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Friday, September 10, 2010

40 Days of Prayer & Impact: 30 Days to Launch

Today, there are 30 DAYS before the Encounter Grand Opening on 10-10-10. We are asking you to join us in what God is doing and is going to do in these last 40 days.

Pray with us. Act with us. Imagine the impact we could have in Helena if each one of us is individually involved in making Helena a better place. Imagine the lives that could be touched. Imagine how the spiritual landscape of our community could be changed even BEFORE the grand opening.

Reflecting Our Creative God

Today, we are looking at Genesis 1:1-2 ...
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.
The first words of scripture declare "In the beginning God created the heaves and the earth." And because human beings are made in the image of God, we not only can love and feel emotion, but we also have the capacity to create – to be creative.

That means that God values our creativity as artists, craft workers, musicians, actors, and more. Our creativity intrinsically embodies a message and a worldview. And if we seek to pursue Jesus, so will our art. This is one of the reasons we at Encounter value artists and creativity. We believe the Church should not only seek to be relevant to local culture, but be an agent of transformation.

Encounter will continue to be known for cultivating creativity and great musicianship by providing a forum for local musicians and artists to showcase their creative skills and talents.


Let us pray today for God's creative power to be unleashed in Helena. Pray that God allows Encounter to be a movement dedicated to making Jesus known through the uniqueness and creativity of it's artists. Pray specifically for even more musicians and artists to participate in the upcoming Sneak Peek, the Grand Opening, and following worship gatherings.

Finally, pray for God to reveal His creativity through you. Even if you do not consider yourself an artist, you are made in God's image. Therefore you are able to display amazing creativity even in the most seemingly mundane activities.


First, have you hugged an artist today? Seriously, seek out the first local musician or artist who comes to mind. Invite them to investigate Encounter as a possible "outlet" for their creativity. (Right now we're especially looking for guitarists and drummers.)

Second, do something creative yourself. Ask God to display Himself through you as you perform your daily tasks. Creatively strike up a conversation. Or get downright serious and break out some crayons and paper. I'm serious people! Get creative like you did in elementary school. After all, Jesus said "Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."


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