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Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Special 'Good Friday' FWD - Friday, April 2 @ 7pm

Join us for a special Friday Night FWD for Easter weekend. We're mixing it up for our next one on Good Friday.

A Special 'Good Friday' FWD
So we're doing it a little different and calling it Good Friday FWD. This is not your traditional Easter service, it's not even on Sunday!

There will still be refreshments and a great band. And it'll still be an awesome opportunity to connect with friends and meet new ones in a casual atmosphere where you can be yourself.

Participate In The Passion!
We invite you to come experience a special night to reflect upon Good Friday, the day that Jesus was crucified on a cross. Join us as we participate in interactive activities designed to share in and meditate upon His Passion.

Experience it all through prayer stations, communion, scripture, and music in a candlelight atmosphere. You don't want to miss this one-of-a-kind event!

Invite Your Friends!
It would be sweet if you would invite some friends and get the word out about this special Good Friday FWD. You can view and download the PDF flyer here. and give it to your friends, give it to your coworkers, give it to your mom!

Location And Directions
Good Friday FWD will meet at the Big Sky facilities at 8181 Avocet Drive. Don't know where that is? Go North on Montana Avenue PAST Bob's Valley Market at Lincoln. Then go 1.5 miles North and TURN LEFT on Avian Road. Make one more quick left and you're there. Look for the signs at Bob's and Avian.

Childcare will be available ($3 donation helpful)
View the Friday Night FWD video here
More about Friday Night FWD here
RSVP on Facebook here


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